The Erasmus+ project HECAFS

HECAFS Conference: International cooperation on the modernization of higher education in the interests of the food production and processing industry in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan

From 16th to 17th may, 2019 at the “JANNAT REGENCY” hotel in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, a conference will be held on the modernization of higher education in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the interests of the food production and processing industry. The participants of the conference will sum up the results Read more…

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

2019 Call for individual fellowships under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) is announced.

An EU-funded research programme, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) have supported outstanding researchers and renowned host organisations for more than 20 years. The unique approach of the MSCA: the highly attractive and competitive schemes bring together universities, research centres and private companies, located all over the world, with exceptional researchers Read more…

Kyrgyz NEO study visit to Georgian NEO

NEO Study visit

The staff of the National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan visited the National Erasmus+ Office in Georgia for a study visit on 1st of May, 2019 The study visit aimes to get to know and compare the experience of NEO Georgia, the strategies and practices for dissemination and promotion activities.

Employers' Information Session

Employers’ Information Session

On April 5, 2009 the National Erasmus Office in Kyrgyzstan took part in the Employers’ Information Session organized by the University of Central Asia in Naryn. The opportunities of the Erasmus+ scholarship program for students were presented by NEO Project Manager Guldastan Berdikulova. We remind that within the framework of Read more…

Ms. S. Sirmbard, HERE team

The First Forum of Rectors of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation “The Development of Science and Education – Investing in the Future”

The First Forum of Rectors of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation “The Development of Science and Education – Investing in the Future” took place in Bishkek on March 27-28, 2019. The main aim of the Forum was to expand the Kyrgyz-Russian cooperation in the field of higher education Read more…

Regional Workshop Promoting Cooperation in Higher Education and Skills Development

Workshop on Promoting Cooperation in Higher Education and Skills Development in CAREC countries

2-day workshop on “Promoting Cooperation in Higher Education and Skills Development in Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Countries” was by the CAREC Secretariat on 27-28 March 2019 in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The main objective of the workshop is to identify regional initiatives for enhancing and expanding cooperation among member Read more…


Follow-up event on MOOCs seminar

On March 12, 2019, Ala-Too International University arranged seminar on “Development and management of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): editing educational videos” for AIU academic and administrative staff as a follow up event of the of seminars TAM on improving the quality of Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan through the development Read more…

HERE seminar in Almaty

International seminar “Developing internal quality assurance system in Higher Education institutions”, in Almaty (Kazakhstan)

On March 6-7, 2019 the National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan organized international seminar on Developing internal quality assurance system in Higher Education institutions. The main aims of the seminar were to clarify aims, principles, approaches and best practice of building internal system of QA and develop recommendations towards enhancing the Read more…

Information meeting of the Erasmus+ Programme

Information meeting with students of BHU

On February, 25 Ms. Guldastan Berdikulova, Project Manager of the National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan conducted the information meeting with students of Bishkek Humanitarian University. During the meeting the participants received the detailed information on International Credit Mobility, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree as well as information on selection criteria, Read more…

Erasmus+ livestream


On 14th of February 2019 National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan conducted online live stream dedicated to filling and submitting competitive project proposals on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of higher education. The International Ala-Too University shared their experience on ” How to submit application on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Read more…

Project writing training

Training on Project Writing

On February 5, 2019, the National Erasmus + Office conducted a project writing training for employees of the Kyrgyz National University and the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture. To be a winner of Erasmus+ projects, the Kyrgyz HEIs need a deep knowlendges about types of projects, LFM, Read more…

Information meeting of the Erasmus+ Programme

Information meeting for students of KRSU

On December 24, 2018 National Erasmus + Office in Kyrgyzstan conducted an Informational meeting with students of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. Yeltsin. During the meeting students were informed about opportunities under the Erasmus+ Programme, particularly academic mobility and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. The representative of the Read more…

Logo of Erasmus+ project IUCLAND

Monitoring of the Erasmus+ CBHE project in OshTU

On 21st of December, 2018 at Osh Techological University it was held monitoring of the Erasmus+ project “International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries” (IUCLAND) The project involves 2 HEIs from Kyrgyzstan: The Osh State University and The Kyrgyz State Technical University. Both Universitites are experienced in implementation Read more…


HERE Annual Conference 2018

The Higher Education Reform Experts of Kyrgyzstan attended the Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) Annual conference, which took place at the University of Rome – Sapienza (UNIROMA), Rome, Italy on 12-13, December 2018. Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) have been tasked to contribute to and build capacity for higher education Read more…

The Erasmus+ Project MIND

Monitoring of the Erasmus+ MIND project

On November 30, 2018, on the basis of the Kyrgyz National University, the National Erasmus + Office in Kyrgyzstan monitored the Erasmus+ project “Management – Innovation – Development (MIND)”. The monitoring was attended by project coordinators, members of the project implementation working group. In total, the project has 13 partner Read more…

The scientifically-practical conference  “Developing skills for a changing world: regional and national qualification systems in the focus of change.”

The scientifically-practical conference “Developing skills for a changing world: regional and national qualification systems in the focus of change.”

On 13th of November, 2018 a scientific and practical conference “Developing skills for a changing world: regional and national qualification systems in the focus of change” was held at the conference-hall of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bishkek. The event was organized by the Adam University, with the support of the Read more…

Erasmus+ new call

New Call!!! Erasmus+ 2019!

Dear friends, We are very pleased to announce the 2019 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals has now been launched! The detailed conditions of this call for proposals, including priorities, can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, which is available on our website in Erasmus+ section. Deadline for the submission of Read more…

Project writing training

Training on writing projects at NSU

On October 24, 2018, a project writing workshop was held at Naryn State University. The purpose of the event is to familiarize the participants of the training with the features of developing project ideas and preparing project applications for participation and attracting funding for the Erasmus + program. During the Read more…

Erasmus+ Information Day

Central European Joint Infoday on Centralised Actions of the Erasmus+ Programme in Bratislava

The Central European Joint Infoday was organised by Erasmus+ National Agencies from four neighbouring countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia has been conducted on .October 18-19, 2018 The event was focused on the international dimension of the programme, i. e. actions supporting cooperation between Programme Countries and Partner Countries Read more…

Meeting with Maria Kelo

A meeting with EU experts

On 2 October 2018 National Erasmus+ office in Kyrgyzstan organized a meeting of EU experts and moderators. Ms. Maria Kelo, Director of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Belgium), Mr. Rafael Llavory, Head of National Department Agency of Accreditation and Quality control ANECA (Spain) and Ms. Gulnara Read more…

Erasmus+ on Study Fair

Study Fair

The National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan took part on Study Fair, organized by Study in Europe and European Higher Education Fairs on 2 October 2018 at Park Hotel. The fairs are a unique opportunity to gather extensive information about Masters courses in all areas of study and discover many scholarship Read more…

Monitoring of the Erasmus+ projects

Monitoring of the Erasmus+ project TUTORIAL

National coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme in Kyrgyzstan conducted a monitoring of the Erasmus+ Project: «STrengthening Network EdUcaTiOn,Research and Innovation in Environmental HeALth in Asia (TUTORIAL)» in conference hall of the International School of Medicine on 26th of September 2018. The objective of the monitoring was to assess the project implementation Read more…

Seminar on Erasmus+

Seminar on “Developing entrepreneurial skills: a new challenge for universities“ for University staff

Seminar on “Developing entrepreneurial skills: a new challenge for universities“ was conducted at the Diplomatic Academy named after Kazi Dikambaev on 20 September 2018 with the support of the National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan. Welcoming speech was made by Ms.Guldastan Berdikulova, Project Manager of the National Erasmus+ Ofice in Kyrgyzstan. Read more…

Erasmus+ project CACTLE

Monitoring of the Erasmus+ project – CACTLE

On September 20, 2018 monitoring visit on Erasmus+ Project – Central Asian Center for Teaching, Learning and Entrepreneurship (CACTLE) was conducted at International University of Kyrgyzstan. 3 Kyrgyz universities take part in this project: – Kyrgyz State University named after I.Arabaev – International University of Kyrgyzstan – Kyrgyz National University Read more…

Erasmus+ on Study Fair

Would you like to study in Europe?

Then take opportunities to reach your dream, come to the study fair on October 2, 2018! The National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan will share information on possibilities of studying in Europe! Also you will have a chance to meet with the leading universities and business schools of Hungary, Germany, Kazakhstan, Read more…


HERE Study Visit on title “Developing entrepreneurial skills: a new challenge for universities“ in Montpellier, France

An International seminar for Higher Education Reform Experts on “Developing entrepreneurial skills: a new challenge for universities“ topic is  held in Montpellier, France, from 19 to 20 April 2018. This HERE study visit was primarily designed to assist HERE partner country universities to improve their ability to provide knowledge-based entrepreneurial Read more…

Round table Erasmus+ projects result dissemination

Round table on the topic: “Actual Issues of Higher Education in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics in Health Care in the Kyrgyz Republic”

On 13th of April the round table on the topic: “Actual Issues of Higher Education in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics in Health Care in the Kyrgyz Republic” was held in the Erasmus+ «Advancing University Education in Biomedical Engineering and Health Management in Kyrgyzstan” (KyrMEDU) project’s boundaries. It was held on Read more…

Monitoring of the Erasmus+ projects

Monitoring of the ICM projects

On 2nd of March, 2018 the National Erasmus + Office in Kyrgyzstan conducted monitoring of the ICM projects, implemented by the International Ala-Too University. The main aims of the monitoring were to familiarize with criteria for the selection, to enquire about the recognition of the credits earned by the participant Read more…

A new set of ICM guidelines

A new set of ICM guidelines

Dear colleagues, We are delighted to share with you a new set of ICM guidelines developed by representatives of universities from Morocco, Georgia, Belarus, Israel and Germany, and NEOs from Ukraine and Egypt, at the initiative of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). These excellent guidelines were written by universities, Read more…