First-hand Erasmus+ Experience Sharing – under this headline was held the event organized within the framework promo-tour of Erasmus Mundus on 7 th of October at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bishkek.

This event was organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic, National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan and Erasmus Mundus Association in Kyrgyzstan.

The main aim of this event was introducing to  students with individual opportunities of Erasmus+ Programme.

More than 150 people took part in our interactive presentation. Welcome speech on behalf of the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic made by Mr. Askar Erkebaeev.

Main speakers of the event were:

Ms. Gulnara Chokusheva – National Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme in Kyrgyzstan

Ms. Meerim Karybaeva – Head of Erasmus Mundus Association in Kyrgyzstan

Mr. Ruslan Askarbekov – participant of CASIA programme

Ms. Bermet Koshoeva – master, grant-aided student of Erasmus+ Programme

And our guests from Ukraine:

Mr. Oleksandr Ivanov – Communications Coordinator, EMA Eurasian Chapter Board Member,


Ms. Mariia Koroliuk – Erasmus Mundus Alumnus

Presentations of students which shared their own experience in learning, living and spending their free time in Europe and also introduced about different opportunities within Erasmus+ programme which are available during the training sparked one’s particular interest of participants.

And of course the highlight of the event was online quiz for all participants organized by Mr. Oleksandr Ivanov. Active participants were awarded with prizes.

In the Questions and Answers section, the speakers received a number of specific questions on the procedures for obtaining a scholarship, organizing travel abroad, preparing documents, writing a motivation letter.

Participants expressed thanks to  organizers and pointed importance of providing such information days which let know different individual capacities of Erasmus+ Programme from first-hand.

Presentattions and agenda are available below:


pdfErasmus+ 30th Anniversary: Story of Success. Call for applications -Ms. Gulnara Chokusheva, NAtional Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme in Kyrgyzstan

pdfErasmus+Students and Alumni in Kyrgyzstan and Globally -Ms. Meerim Karybaeva, Erasmus Mundus Association in Kyrgyzstan

pdfHow to prepare an academic CV? – Mariia Koroliuk, EM Alumnus, Ukraine

pdfHow to prepare an academic CV? – Bermet Koshoeva

pdfCentral Asia Main – Oleksandr Ivanov – Communications Coordinator, EMA Eurasian Chapter Board Member, Ukraine

pdfHow to apply for doctoral studies and post-doctoral research? – Ruslan Askarbekov

Categories: News