Today, on January 18, 2023 a working seminar on the revision of the Roadmap for the implementation of Presidential Decree № 243 within the joint initiative between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the National Erasmus+ Office in the Kyrgyz Republic is taking place.

The participants of this seminar are representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, rectors, vice-rectors and teaching staff from five high status universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, experts on higher education reform in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The purpose of the workshop is to improve strategic planning skills, finalizing the Roadmap for the implementation of the Presidential Decree.
During the seminar strategic documents of the Kyrgyz Republic will be analyzed in the context of the seminar objectives, the application of the principles of strategic planning and finalization of the Roadmap.

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