The program, named after the pioneering physicist and two-time Nobel Prize winner Marie Skłodowska-Curie, is designed to inspire and help increase the number of women in the nuclear field. It provides support for an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and advance global scientific and technological innovation.

Scholarships are awarded to more than 100 female students each year. Geographic diversity and diversity of fields of study and other criteria are taken into account when selecting students. Selected students receive up to 20,000 euros for tuition and up to 20,000 euros for living expenses as part of their master’s program.

Upon completion of their studies, they are also given the opportunity to undertake an internship of up to 12 months at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its partner organizations, as well as in industry. In addition, students are given the opportunity to attend and participate in various educational, professional, and networking events.

Since its launch in 2020, the PSMSC has received 1,042 applications, with 210 students from 93 nationalities studying in 53 countries. The program is expected to expand each year to give more women the opportunity to pursue higher education in fields related to the nuclear power industry.

The next call for applications is scheduled to open in mid-July 2022 and be completed by early October 2022. To learn more about the program and eligibility requirements, go to [](

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