Bishkek, February 19-20 – The National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan successfully conducted a two-day workshop on “Diversity and Inclusivity in Higher Education Institutions in Kyrgyzstan.” The event took place on February 19-20, 2024, at the Salymbekov University in Bishkek.

The workshop brought together 30 participants, including faculty and administrative staff from 12 Kyrgyzstan universities, to develop recommendations and methods to enhance diversity and inclusivity in higher education institutions. This included adjusting programs for various demographic groups of students and hiring faculty capable of working with diverse student audiences.

The workshop featured Danny Soekarnsingh, an expert in higher education from the Free University of Amsterdam, as a special invited speaker.

Goal: Develop recommendations and methods to enhance diversity and inclusion within higher education institutions in Kyrgyzstan, including tailored programs for diverse student demographics and hiring educators adept at working with varied student populations.

Policy Development: Formulate policies addressing inclusion, diversity, admissions, recruitment, retention, and equitable opportunities for students and staff.
Curriculum Flexibilization: Adjust study programs to accommodate diverse student needs, offering part-time or online options and pathways for non-traditional backgrounds.
Enhanced Student Engagement: Design flexible educational programs catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.
Improved Academic Performance: Integrate diversity into education processes to enhance academic outcomes.
Promotion of Social Skills and Collaboration: Cultivate an environment encouraging interaction and collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds, fostering essential social skills.
Professional Growth and Employability: Address high unemployment among intellectuals by hiring educators from diverse backgrounds, thus enriching the educational landscape.

Expected Outcomes:
Access to a comprehensive methodology for implementing a flexible education system catering to diverse student populations.
Recommendations for hiring educators from diverse backgrounds.
Development of implementation plans and timelines.
Establishment of inclusive policies regarding admissions, recruitment, retention, and opportunities within educational institutions.

The workshop on Diversity and Inclusion of HEIs in Kyrgyzstan was attended by 40 participants (7 men and 33 women) from 14 HEIs and 1 association.

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