On 6th and 7th December 2017, a seminar on e-learning aimed to representatives of Kyrgyz Higher Education Institutions was conducted in the International University of Kyrgyzstan. The training was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan.
The purpose of the seminar was to train the teachers and representatives in the planning, designing and development of effective e-learning courses, using new methods and interactive online services. The problems and benefits of using e-learning in higher education were exposed.
During the two-day seminar, Dr. Sergio Lujan Mora, a visiting EU expert, professor of the University of Alicante (Spain), shared his experience in developing and implementing online courses; he acquainted participants with innovative methods and tools for creating, implementing and managing online courses; and he showed examples of using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) to improve the quality of teaching. In addition, special attention was paid to key issues regarding copyright, open education and open licenses such as Creative Commons.
More than 50 representatives of Kyrgyz universities of the capital and other regions attended the seminar. The attendees highlighted the relevance of this event for their jobs.
Upon completion of the seminar, all participants were awarded certificates.
Useful links:

* E-learning methodologies: A guide for designing and developing e-learning courses

* Digital Learning Compass: Distance Education Enrollment Report 2017

* Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States

* Online Report Card: Tracking Online Education in the United States

* What is a flipped class?

* Ричард Баранюк об open-source образовании

* Что такое Открытое Образовательное Программное Обеспечение?

* Что такое Открытые Образовательные Ресурсы?

* Open Educational Resources: Global Report 2017

* МОДК: Краткая (очень краткая) история МОДК

* Чему нас учит онлайн-образование?

* Почему массовые открытые онлайн-курсы (всё ещё) актуальны

* Изменим подход к образованию с помощью видео уроков