On January 26-27, 2021, a seminar-training was held within the framework of the “Environmental Protection in Central Asia: Disaster Risk Management Using Spatial Methods” (EPCA) project, funded by Erasmus + Program.

During the seminar, project partners from universities of Sweden, Greece, Portugal, Lithuania and Uzbekistan acquainted participants with the achieved results of the EPCA project, such as the developed innovative online training courses and the electronic programs for students of KSU n.a. I. Arabaev and OshSU.

Mr. Ali Mansourian (LU), coordinator of the EPCA project introduced the iMSEP program to the training participants, Professor Petter Pilesjö (LU) and Professor Micael Runnström (LU) presented a report on the specifics of the Bologna education system and the organization of distance learning in European universities.

Prof. Eimuntas Parseliunas (VGTU), Dr. Eleni Tomai (NTUA), Dr. Jorge Gustavo Rocha (MU) made a presentation on how to teach online training courses, which were prepared within the Erasmus+ EPCA project projects.

Dr. Damira Tilenova (I.AKSU) presented a report on the use of laboratories in the educational process. Recall that the laboratories were created and equipped within the EPCA project in two Kyrgyz universities: I. Arabayev KGU and Osh State University, involved in the implementation of the project.

Dr. Muzaffar Matchanov (URSU) conducted the master-class on Flood Risk Mapping Using iMSEP and Researcher Gulshaan Ergeshova (OSU) conducted a workshop on Mapping COVID-19 Using iMSEP.
The seminar was attended by teachers, students, associated partners, representatives of a number of Kyrgyz organizations. After the seminar- training, all participants received answers to questions.

Learn more https://bilim.akipress.org/unews/un_post:18964//?f=cp

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