At the seminar, national coordinator Gulnara Isayeva made a presentation on “Opportunities for financing international research projects and academic mobility in Kyrgyzstan. Also, the seminar was attended by Vice-Rector of KSTU – Akylbek Chymyrov, David Westenfelder – Permanent Deputy of the German Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic, Stefan Heinemann – Officer of the Embassy of Germany in Bishkek, Victor Tsoy – Representative of the Information Center DAAD in Kyrgyzstan, Institute Goethe, Tobias Stuedemann – Director of East European office of Freie Universität Berlin.

The seminar addressed different formats and choices of partner and cooperation, funding options, planning horizons, principles of approach including a deeper understanding at the intersection of intramural indicators, motivation of individual professors, as well as the possibility of (joint) funding, analysis of the possibility of promoting the university’s own brand, identification of own potential through self-analysis of already existing contacts and projects.

The aim of the seminar was the opportunity to expand knowledge in the field of internationalization on the example of Germany, including the approaches and interests of foreign universities, and ways to identify mutually beneficial areas and formats of cooperation.

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