On February 14, 2019 a seminar on the “A Roadmap for Gender Mainstreaming in the Kyrgyz Republic” was held at the conference hall of the Park Hotel.

The aim of the seminar was to discuss the impact and contribution of projects funded by the EU to the Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic on achieving gender equality, in compliance with the objectives of the EU Action Plan on Gender Issues.

The seminar was organized by the European Union Office in the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the seminar were discussed following issues:

  • the results of the implementation of the recommendations of the previous seminar held in 2018;
  • the contribution of projects funded by the EU to the Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic on achieving gender equality for 2018-2020. in compliance with the objectives of the EU Action Plan for Gender Issues for 2016-2020;
  • the analysis of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of EU-funded projects.

The National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan, along with other projects funded by the European Union, participated in the seminar. Representatives of state institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic / gender coordinators, representatives of international donors and EU member states also took part in the workshop.

The participants were introduced with the National Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic to achieve gender equality for 2018-2020 and the current state of its implementation by Ms. Roza Bekmatova, Head of the Department of Gender Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

Mr. Nikola Scaramuzzo, Gender Coordinator from the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, presented the EU Action Plan on Gender for 2016-2020. and the Action Plan of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2020.

During the seminar there was organized small working groups in three areas:

  • Education
  • The rule of law
  • Rural development and social protection

Following the results of work in small groups, changes and additions were made to the recommendations on the introduction of a gender approach.

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