Suitable for students with a BIOlOGICAL background who want a scholarship to study abroad on a master’s degree.

TROPIMUNDO is the first international master’s in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems (2 years, 120 ECTS) that allows students to delve into interconnected ecosystems at risk by spending a full second semester of coursework and field schools in the Amazon rainforest, tropical islands of the Caribbean and Indian Ocean, tropical forests of Central Africa, East African Great Lakes, terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, Malagasy forest ecosystems, terrestrial, aquatic and mangrove forests of Asia, and a fourth semester devoted to thesis work related to tropical biodiversity and ecosystems. The other two semesters cover basic and specialized courses in Belgium, Italy, France and French Guiana.

The application deadline is January 15, 2023.

For more information about the TROPIMUNDO program and the application procedure, visit .

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