On 4th of June 2019, the National Erasmus + Office in Kyrgyzstan held a meeting of representatives of the international departments of universities.

The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the role and capacity of the International departments of the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Nowadays, the internationalization of the university is one of the priority areas of development.

The number of international projects implemented by the university is one of the indicators of internationalization. Projects allow participants to exchange experience and knowledge with universities, new methods and technologies. As an additional advantage, it should be emphasized that some of the projects are aimed at strengthening academic and administrative structures.

The international departments in higher educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan play a key role in organizing and coordinating the university’s participation in international cooperation programs, attracting investments, providing information on funding opportunities and potential project partners, providing practical and technical support during project implementation and reporting to organizations donors, and are also responsible for the institutional support of international academic mobility.

However, the Institutional monitoring of two universities showed that the IRO in universities have limitations in institutional management and coordination, and revealed the lack of a database of implemented Tempus / Erasmus + projects.

During the meeting, participants exchanged of experience with universities that have the largest number of projects and ways to attract donors, create an institutional memory (database) of projects in univerisites. In the end of the meeting, there was took a decision to create a network of international departments and NEO is responsible for it.

The event was attended by representatives of international departments of universities of the capital.

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