On 18th of December 2018, the National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan conducted the monitoring of Erasmus+ project “Development of a Bologna-based Master Curriculum in Resource Efficient Production Logistics (ProdLog)” at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.

The main aims of preventive monitoring are to provide support to the project in its early phase and contribute to its local/national visibility, to provide recommendations and advices to the projects in order to prevent potential future difficulties and obstacles linked to the project’s implementation and to discuss the procedures applied, their relevance and adequacy in particular for financial management.

2 Kyrgyz HEIs: Kyrgyz National Agrarian University and the Kyrgyz State Technical University are involving in implementation of this project.

The visit was started with meeting of Rector of KSTU and focused on increasing participation of KSTU in Erasmus+ projects.

Then afterwards, a project coordinator in KSTU gave detailed information about Prodlog project and activities carried out by KSTU within the project. The representatives of KNAU reported on their activities as well.

The monitoring visit finished with a visit summary and some recommendations made by National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme in Kyrgyzstan

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