The National Erasmus+ Office, has conducted on May 30, 2018 at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University the monitoring of the Erasmus+ project titled Paving the way to interregional mobility and ensuring relevance, quality and equity of access (PAWER).
The main objective of monitoring is to assess the progress and achievements of the project to date.
Three Kyrgyz Universities such as Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyz National Agrarian University and Osh State University are involving in implementation of the project.
During the monitoring visit the working groups made report on the activities carried out within the framework of the project. The main factors affecting the implementation of the project were discussed.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme gave some recommendations
Based on the outcome of the meeting, National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme made some recommendations.