On October 14, 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) in Kyrgyzstan held an Erasmus+ Information Day for the faculty and students of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (KSTU). The event was dedicated to the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus+ program.

The purpose of the information day was to provide information about the program and its components, in which Kyrgyzstan can participate as a partner country. During the event, the NEO staff provided detailed information on the components: “International Credit Mobility”, “Capacity Building in Higher Education”, “Jean Monnet”.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov over the past 5 years took part in several projects of Erasmus+ program. Experts and coordinators of projects such as DERECKA, ELBA, Hiedteche, GeoTAK, KurMeduc for component of reforms of higher education “Capacity Building in Higher Education” presented the experience and success of implemented Erasmus+ projects, familiarized with features of project ideas development.

The students were provided with information on opportunities to study at the best European universities, as well as to obtain joint master’s degree.

Also KSTU named after I. Razzakov is pleased to announce that a new project within the Erasmus+ program, which is called “Development of financial autonomy of universities in Kyrgyzstan/DEFA. This is the second project of the Erasmus+ program, where Kyrgyz universities are the main coordinators and managers of the international project. The beneficiary members are 15 universities.Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

Erasmus+ program information day for I. Razakov KSTU

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