On 1st of July, 2021, the National Erasmus + Office in Kyrgyzstan held an Erasmus + Information Day for the staff and students of Talas State University.

The purpose of the information day is to provide information about the program and its components, in which Kyrgyzstan can participate as a partner country and to involve new participants in the Erasmus + program. Talas State University previously took part in only 2 Erasmus + projects. During the event, NEO staff provided detailed information on the components: “International Credit Mobility”, “Capacity Building in Higher Education”, “Jean Monnet”.

Dr. Roman Kalmatov and Dr. Sabyrkul Kalygulova, the Higher Education Reform Experts, conducted training on project writing, familiarized participants with the specifics of developing project ideas and preparing project proposals, filling out the logical matrix, with the project management cycle, as well as with the structure of the Erasmus + program application.

For students, information was provided about the possibility of studying in the best European universities, as well as obtaining a recognized degree.

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