Project Title: GREEN and Digital Universities for Sustainable Development of KyrGyzstan (GREENKG)
Project Duration: 01/11/2023 – 31/10/2026
Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
Budget: 894.628,00 EUR

The National project – Green and Digital University, is organically aligned with the EC Green Deal and the national strategy to reinforce the ecological awareness, develop and adapt a system of a green and sustainable approach in HEIs.

– Increasing the knowledge and capacities of HEIs to build and implement green and digital university policy, by supporting the definition, implementation and monitoring of reform processes.
– Development of a national Green and Digital University Model.
– Enhancing the educational innovation capacities of the Kyrgyz universities by implementing green policy and digitalization to increase their sustainable, inclusive growth and competitiveness.
– Increasing the awareness of social responsibility of HEIs in the context of the global movement to Green Economy, climate and demographic changes;


  1. Analysis and Strategy Development: Analysing the needs of PC universities in Green Dimensions.
  2. Regulatory Framework and Training: Developing a Green Dimension Unit (GDU) model and internal regulation for submission to the KG Ministry of Education and Science.
  3. Curriculum Development: Developing and approving a mandatory course on green dimensions and review existing curricula, an elective micro-credential module for each KG partner university, teaching/learning materials for blended learning.
  4. Study Visits and Skills Development: Organizing study tours to EU partners focusing on Digitalization & Green Policy.
  5. Training Workshops: Organizing Training of Trainers workshops in KG, focusing on curricula and process analysis, organizing training for university administrators, teachers, and IT specialists, conducting a series of webinars.
  6. Model Implementation and Piloting: Implement components of the GDU model, including digitalizing administrative and educational processes; Piloting and delivering the mandatory course and elective modules on Green Dimensions.


  • Development of a National Green and Digital University Model (GDU Model): This will provide a structured framework for universities to implement green and digital policies.
  • Application of the GDU Model across Kyrgyzstan: With the Ministry of Education’s approval, this model will be used to enhance educational innovation and support sustainable growth at the national level.
  • Establishment of Green Digital Offices (GDOs): These offices will focus on reasonable management practices that reduce environmental impact and promote energy and resource conservation.
  • Educational Reform and Curriculum Development: The project will result in the creation of a mandatory interdisciplinary training module for master’s programs, the introduction of micro-credential courses, and a comprehensive review of existing curricula and syllabi to incorporate green aspects.
  • Creation of the National GDU Network: This network will serve as a collaborative platform for academic institutions and government bodies to advance research, innovation, and policy development in sustainability.
  • Capacity Building and Direct Impact: The project is expected to directly benefit over 60 teachers, as well as university management and staff, enhancing their capabilities to foster a green and digital transformation in higher education.
  • Indirect Impact on Students: It is anticipated that the project will indirectly affect at least 10,000 students by exposing them to greener and more digital-centric educational environments and practices.
  • These outcomes will collectively contribute to the broader goal of transforming Kyrgyz universities into sustainable and digitally advanced institutions, with a significant positive impact on the educational ecosystem and society as a whole.

    Grantholder: DAMFA – Dikanbaev Diplomacy Academy at Kyrgyz MFA (Kyrgyzstan)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    KSMA – The Kyrgyz State Medical Academy Named After I K Akhunbaev
    AKSU – Ishenaly Arabaev Kyrgyz State University
    BatSU – Batken State University
    BSU – Bishkek State University
    ISM – International Higher School of Medicine Institution
    NSU – Naamatov Naryn State University
    OshSU – Osh State University
    KSTU – Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University
    IKSU – Issyk-Kul State University
    CBC Group – Capacity Building Consulting Group
    MES – Ministry of Education And Science Of The Kyrgyz Republic
    Foreign Partners:
    Hochschule Fur Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (Germany)
    Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania)

    Website: >>>

    Project Title: Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and small-scale Livestock production towards Climate Change (SA2CC)
    Project Duration: 01/11/2023 – 31/10/2026
    Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
    Budget: 800.000,00 EUR
    SA2CC aims to strengthen the competencies of students in the agri-food sector and raise their awareness to sustainable growth, thus making them critical factors of change in promoting specific EU Green Deal strategies, as well as to promote the exchange of best practices among the partner countries.

    -Increase the demand for climate change courses by actively raising awareness.
    – Identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing courses, as well as specific knowledge and skills in teaching subjects on climate change.
    – Review and update existing curricula to include climate change in courses and curricula.
    – Develop research-based resource packages and training seminars to help universities integrate a more detailed study of climate change science through case studies, vulnerability and risk assessments, and the introduction of adaptation strategies into curricula and work programs

    – Tackle Climate Change (CC) in the sectors of Agriculture, small Livestock production and Forestry through the development of competent and well qualified scientists;
    – Identify strengths and weaknesses in existing courses, as well as specific knowledge and skills in teaching subjects on CC;
    – Review and update existing curricula to incorporate climate change into courses and curricula;
    – Promote education as a means to address climate change;
    – Increase of food production/quality by mitigating the climate change consequences;
    – Develop research-based resource packs and training workshops to help HEIs to integrate more detailed learning of Climate Change science through case studies, vulnerability and risk assessments, and the implementation of adaptation strategies into curricula and work programs;
    – Involve young faculty and graduate students in the research process on climate change in the Baikal region;
    – Create opportunities for course developers to exchange experiences and ideas to help develop new courses and teaching strategies in their respective disciplines

    -Improving the existing learning programmes by integrating topics related to climate change and approaches to adaptation and mitigation,
    -Increasing acompetitiveness within the academia, strengthen regional and international collaboration.

    Grantholder: Universitatea Stefan Cel Mare Din Suceava (Romania)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    NSU – S.Naamatov Naryn State University
    IKSU – Issyk-Kul State University
    Public Association “Agrolead”
    Foreign Partners:
    -Dimiourgiki Skepsi Anaptyxis University (Greece)
    -Universita Degli Studi Di Torino (Italy)
    -Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon (Greece)
    -Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Mongolia)
    -Eco Asia Environmental University Mongolia (Mongolia )
    -Hurs amidrah orchin (Mongolia )
    -Instituto Politecnico Do Porto (Portugal)
    -Virtual Campus LDA (Portugal)

    Website: >>>