Project Title: Strengthening Higher Education in the Water Sector for Climate Resilience and Security in Central Asia (HWCA)
Project Duration: 01/05/2023 – 30/04/2026
Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
Budget: 800.000,00 EUR

The project aims to enhance the relevance, quality, modernization, and responsiveness of MA/MSc curricula in water governance and water diplomacy in Central Asian HEIs.

– Curricula Improvement: Support the development of curricula in water governance and water diplomacy at Central Asian universities, ensuring they are relevant, high-quality, modern, and responsive.
-New Generation Training: Facilitate the training of a new generation of managers and decision-makers in the water sector, including water diplomats, to address accumulated problems and emerging challenges like climate change and water stress.
– Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue: Promote cross-disciplinary, cross-sector, and cross-country dialogues to effectively manage water resources.
– Capacity Building: Build capacities for integrated water resources management and adaptive water governance.
– Strengthen Regional Cooperation: Enhance regional cooperation for more effective mobilization and utilization of private investments and international assistance.
– Curricula Innovation: Update and introduce innovative elements in existing MA/MSc programmes or create new ones, drawing inspiration from European best practices and adapting to regional conditions.


  1. Curricula Update and Development: Revise existing or develop new curricula, facilitating the training of water governance experts and diplomats, in collaboration with international partners.
  2. Balanced Teaching Materials: Create revised or new teaching materials that represent the problems and interests of each country fairly and highlight the benefits of green approaches and regional water cooperation.
  3. Cultivation of Scholarly Debate: Foster an inclusive and open discussion of regional strategic problems, strengthening a culture of democratic scholarly debate and civil society participation.
  4. Harmonized Curricula for Mobility: Develop harmonized curricula across universities in five countries to facilitate student mobility among Central Asian and EU partner institutions.
  5. Research and Network Development: Integrate research on regional water resource management into MA/MSc programmes and develop a regional programme for continuous professional development and research, creating a broad network for research and scientific innovation.
  6. Enhancing Employability and Career Opportunities: Improve the employability of graduates and open up diverse career opportunities in various sectors, attracting talented and motivated individuals to the water sector.

Grantholder: DAMFA – Dikanbaev Diplomacy Academy at Kyrgyz MFA (Kyrgyzstan)
Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
KNAU – Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin
Foreign Partners:
International Partners: Foundation Ihe Delft Institute for Water Education (Netherlands)
University of Bergamo (Italy)
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France)
Kazakh-German University (Kazakhstan)
Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University (Kazakhstan)
M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University (Kazakhstan)
Tajik Agrarian University Shirinshoh Shohtemur (Tajikistan)
Academy of State Service Under The President of Turkmenistan (Tajikistan)
Turkmen Institute of Agriculture (Turkmenistan)
Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly (Turkmenistan)
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers NAtural Research University (Uzbekistan)

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Project Title: Building Educational and Research Capacities in Nutrition and Dietetics in Central Asia (BERNICA)
Project Duration: 01/12/2022 – 01/11/2025
Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
Budget: 795,000 EUR

The BERNICA project is aimed at fostering education and research capacities of the Central Asian region in the promotion of healthy nutritional habits in order to improve the health of the population. Ten Central Asian medical universities with the support of two European Universities will build local expertise in the development and running of innovative curricula in Nutrition & Dietetics in line with Bologna principles and ENQA standards through a series of training sessions.
– Building local expertise in the development and running innovative curriculum in Nutrition & Dietetics in line with Bologna principles and ESG standards
– Increasing research capacities of CA universities in Nutrition & Dietetics.
– Promotion of the use of innovative teaching and research techniques in Nutrition & Dietetics, including digital applications
– Fostering regional and international network through joint initiatives, and sharing of good practices in education, research and practice in Nutrition & Dietetics.


  1. Training activities: A 4-month English language course is implemented for Central Asian teachers, alongside online Continuous Professional Development training sessions. The project also organizes a summer school at Issyk-Kul and facilitates study tours at IMU and FHJ, followed by second-wave training seminars and provision of equipment for nutrition labs;
  2. Creating innovative Nutrition and Dietetics courses/modules and learning scenarios: The implementation phase involves recruiting students for new courses/modules, conducting International Days at target universities, implementing innovative learning scenarios, and teaching innovative research methods in N&D using digital applications and new equipment.
  3. Quality Assurance: The establishment of a QA group, development of a project Quality Assurance plan, conducting QA training, establishing a project self-monitoring system, developing institutional internal QA systems, and conducting an external project evaluation.
  4. Developing a Communication and Dissemination Strategy and a Sustainability Strategy: BERNICA project cloud box and social group chat, develops the BERNICA project website, issues online newsletters, and disseminates results through social media, mass media, and other publications. The project culminates in presentations of results at various events and the organization and conduct of the final project conference.


  • Enhanced Local Expertise in Curriculum Development: The development of innovative Nutrition and Dietetics (N&D) courses and modules, aligned with the Bologna principles and ESG standards, directly contributes to building local expertise in creating and managing modern curricula.
  • Increased Research Capacities: Activities such as the development of innovative learning scenarios and the teaching of innovative research methods using digital apps and new equipment contribute to enhancing the research capacities of Central Asian universities in N&D.
  • Promotion of Innovative Teaching and Research Techniques: The project’s emphasis on innovative teaching and learning, as evidenced by activities like the online Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training sessions, summer school, study tours, and the implementation of innovative learning scenarios, promotes the use of novel teaching and research methods in N&D.
  • Fostering Regional and International Networks:Through initiatives like study tours, International Days at target universities, and the final project conference, the BERNICA project fosters regional and international networking.
  • The BERNICA project successfully addresses its objectives by enhancing curriculum development, increasing research capabilities, promoting innovative teaching and research methods, and fostering regional and international collaborations in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    Grantholder: International Higher School of Medicine (Kyrgyzstan)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    OshSU – Osh State University
    Foreign partners:
    -THE FH JOANNEUM (Austria)
    -Karaganda Medical University (Kazakhstan)
    -Kazakh State medical university named after S.D.Asfendiyarov (Kazakhstan)
    -Khatlon State Medical University (Tajikistan)
    -Bukhara State Medical University (Uzbekistan)
    -State Higher Institution – Avicenna State Medical University (Tajikistan)
    -Tashkent Medical Academy (Uzbekistan)
    -İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi (Turkey)

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    Project Title: Development of Financial Autonomy of Universities in Kyrgyzstan (DEFA)
    Project Duration: 01/12/2022 – 01/11/2025
    Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
    Budget: 800,000 EUR

    This initiative is a multi-faceted approach to reform the HE system in Kyrgyzstan, focusing on autonomy, governance, and alignment with global trends and labor market needs. It involves a collaborative effort between local and international universities and organizations, emphasizing capacity building, strategic planning, and practical implementation.

    – Modernization of the Higher Education System: To enhance the capabilities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and responsible ministries in governance and funding.
    – Increased Autonomy: To augment the financial and economic autonomy of HEIs in response to global economic, climate, and demographic changes.
    – Quality and Relevance Improvement: To improve the quality of higher education and its alignment with the labor market and societal needs, while increasing the visibility and competitiveness of university research.


    1. Analysis and Strategy Development: Examining European university models; developing strategies and roadmaps for financial autonomy
    2. Regulatory Framework and Training: Creating draft regulations for financial autonomy; conducting training needs analysis for university administration and policymakers.
    3. Study Visits and Skills Development: Organizing study visits to EU partner universities; establishing a Skills Development Centre on HEI Autonomy.
    4. Training Workshops: Implementing various training programs, including ‘Train the Trainers’ for university heads and government representatives.
    5. Model Implementation and Piloting: Developing and piloting financial autonomy models; risk assessment in implementation.


  • Enhanced Knowledge and Skills:Universities will improve their competences in financial management.
  • Development of Tools and Models: Developed legal framework on financial autonomy including training manuals, a model of university financial autonomy, and implementation guides.
  • Pilot Projects: Piloting the financial autonomy model and establishing a Skills Development Centre.
  • Grantholder: KSTU – Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (Kyrgyzstan)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    DAMFA – Dikanbaev Diplomacy Academy at Kyrgyz MFA (Kyrgyzstan)
    IUK – International University Of Kyrgyz Republic
    ISU – Issykkul State University Named After K.Tynystanov
    OshSU – Osh State University
    TSU – Talas State University
    NSU – Naryn State University named after S.Naamatov
    Adam University
    ISM – International School Of Medicine Institution
    Alatoo International University
    Association Of Legal Entities “Association Of Universities Of The Kyrgyz Republic”
    MES – Ministry Of Education And Science Of The Kyrgyz Republic

    Foreign partners:
    -Otto-Von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany)
    -CESIE (Italy)
    -Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (Italy)

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