Project Title: Developing Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programmes and Strengthening Research Networks in Geoinformation Technologies in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan (GeoTAK)
Project Duration: 15/01/2021-14/01/2024
Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
Budget: 873.769,00 EUR

Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) are more and more used in different fields, including natural resource management, urban development, environment protection, cultural heritage, etc. These technologies have been proven as new and effective measures to help different sectors to develop, operate, explore and make use of big data systems in the planning, design, installation, operation and evaluation of various socio-economic activities. GITs create valuable inputs for decision making processes at different levels.
Higher Education Institutions (HEI) play a very important role for preparation of capable human resources for the sustainable development. Development of Geoinformation Technologies has to be started from HEIs where teachers and managers can be trained, to get knowledge and skills at acceptable qualification standard on order to meet practical needs.

– Identify Research and Development Needs: Conduct thorough analysis to identify the specific R&D needs and opportunities in Geoinformation Technologies (GIT) at both local and regional levels in Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.
– Establish Research Networks: Create a Research Networks in GIT in each partner country to promote and harmonize collaborative innovation projects and joint research initiatives.
– Upgrade Research Laboratories: Improve and modernize research laboratories dedicated to GIT to support advanced research and innovation activities.
– Train Trainers: Provide comprehensive training for trainers from partner countries in relevant GIT topics, with a focus on regional development, innovation, and environmental protection.
– Enhance Higher Education: Equip teachers and managers from higher education institutions (HEIs) in partner countries with knowledge and skills in transversal topics such as quality assurance, innovation and entrepreneurship, and curriculum development according to Bologna process standards.
– Develop Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programs: Create interdisciplinary postgraduate programs at the master’s and PhD levels to enhance GIT’s potential in various areas, focusing on addressing contemporary problems on regional and global scales.
– Strengthen University-Industry Collaboration: Foster and strengthen cooperation between universities and industries in key areas critical for the sustainable development of the partner countries.
– Facilitate Experience Sharing: Promote the exchange and sharing of experiences and perspectives between Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, leveraging their shared background and current socio-economic challenges to stimulate new strategies in research and development.


  • Identification of social needs: Survey for identification of research & development needs: An analysis for identification of research and development needs and opportunities at local and regional levels are done. Preparation of questionnaires and conducting a survey of the main stakeholders – a survey of government organizations, private companies, design, research institutions and universities to study their needs and requests in the training of specialists and research work in the field of GIT.
  • Development of research networks: Creation of National Research Nodes (NRN-GIT): One per partner country. NRN are non-physical research centres to promote the collaboration between partner universities in research and development in GIT. The National Research Node in Geoinformation Technologies (Kyrgyz NRN- GIT) in the Kyrgyz Republic was set up to promote and harmonize innovative projects and joint research work in the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of geoinformation technologies.
  • Development of research capacities: Create/update research and innovation labs in GIT. Delivering 6 GIT training courses (1 week per course). Transversal training in HE and innovation: Two transversal trainings (workshops) will be organized by EU partners (1) curricula development and QA, and (2) Innovation. Curricula development at postgraduate level: each partner university will create interdisciplinary curricula in GIT at master and PhD level adapted to their needs.
  • Grantholder: UPV – Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    KSTU – Kyrgyz State Technical University
    OshSU — Osh Technological University
    State Cartographic — State Cartographic and Geodetic Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
    MES — Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
    Foreign Partners:
    Vilnius University (Lithuania)
    Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
    Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
    University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
    Vrije Universitat Brussels (Belgium)
    Armenian National Agrarian University (Armenia)
    National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (Armenia)
    Yerevan State University (Armenia)
    Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia (Armenia)
    Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia (Armenia)

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    Project Title: Harmonization and mutual recognition of MSc programmes in Occupational and Environmental Health (HARMONEE)
    Project Duration: 15/01/2021 – 14/01/2024
    Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
    Budget: 999,485 EUR

    The HARMONEE project is aimed at the improvement of knowledge and practices in Public Health (involving environmental and occupational health and One Health) in line with current needs and gaps in Central Asian countries. Based on a holistic perspective MSc education in Public Health will be developed by using a Teach the Teacher approach for a sustainable output. European partners will share their knowledge and good practices to increase the research and innovation capacities of target universities in this field.

    – The development of new modules for strengthening of disciplinary skills required in the field of Public Health, such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, infectious diseases, exposure sciences, occupational health, and risk assessment for MSc students. This will strengthen the local expertise in surveillance programmes and address regional Public Health hazards by generating skilled MSc graduates.
    – Building local capacity by training teachers in the development and running of MSc education in Public Health. This will respond to the need for a sustainable educational output in Public Health MSc programmes.
    – Improving the level of educational and research competencies and skills in participating HEIs within Public Health related fields. Expertise will be expanded to other teachers within the institutes.
    – Fostering and expanding existing regional and international networks regarding Public Health education. This responds to the need to align with EU educational programmes and to benefit most from the newly built expertise in the region.
    – The implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in Public Health education. Global changes, obviously affecting CA as well, require to recognition the connectivity of different fields.


  • Training Trainers: The needs analysis is updated and a training programme for 28 trainers was developed. A 4-month English language course is implemented for Central Asian teachers. Two summer schools were conducted at the Bukhara State Medical Institute and at the Garngano campus of the University of Milan. Trained trainers provided second-wave training seminars for 80 teachers of 8 Central Asian medical schools.
  • Equipment: Central Asian partner universities purchased office and laboratory equipment and software to increase the educational and research capacities of the public health departments.
  • Curriculum Development: Nine teams have developed 9 modules of the MSc programme in Public Health.
  • Quality Assurance: A critical component, involving the establishment of a QA group, development of a project Quality Assurance plan, conducting QA training, establishing a project self-monitoring system, developing institutional internal QA systems, and conducting an external project evaluation.
  • Communication, dissemination, and sustainability efforts: A HARMONEE project cloud box and social group chat, develops the HARMONEE project website, issues online newsletters, and disseminates results through social media, mass media, and other publications.
  • Outcomes:
    – New modules for strengthening of disciplinary skills required in the field of Public Health, such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, infectious diseases, exposures sciences, occupational health, risk assessment for MSc students. This will strengthen the local expertise in surveillance programmes and addressing regional Public Health hazards by generating skilled MSc graduates.
    – Enhanced Local Expertise in Curriculum Development: Increased local capacity by training teachers in the development and running of master education in Public Health.
    – Improved level of educational and research competencies and skills in participating HEIs within Public Health related fields. Expertise will be expanded to other teachers within the institutes.
    – Consolidation and expansion of existing regional and international networks regarding Public Health education. This responds to the need to align with EU educational programmes and to benefit most optimal from the newly built expertise in the region.
    – Implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in Public Health education. Global changes, obviously affecting CA as well, require to recognition the connectivity of different fields.

    Grantholder: University of Milan (Italy)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    ISM — International Higher School of Medicine
    OshSU — Osh State University
    Foreign Partners:
    Universita Degli Studi Di Milano (Italy)
    Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan)
    Karaganda Medical University (Kazakhstan)
    Semey Medical University (Kazakhstan)
    Khujand State University Named After B. Gafurov (Tajikistan)
    Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Tajikistan)
    Samarqand Davlat Tibbiyot Instituti (Uzbekistan)
    Bukhara State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan)
    Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands)


    Project Title: Development of Higher Education Content Aimed to Support Industries for Sustainable Production of Qualitative Agri-food (AgroDev)
    Project Duration: 15/01/2021 – 14/01/2024
    Funded By: Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education
    Budget: 899.012,00 EUR

    The national project ” Development of Higher Education Content Aimed to Support Industries for Sustainable Production of Qualitative Agri-food ” aims to modernize content for higher education to promote the development of national agri-food production systems in which farm-enterprises would be apply internationally recognized the good agricultural practices, principles and approaches to sustainable agribusiness management, thus, for increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the agri-food industry.

    – To promote the availability of knowledge and skilled professionals for the agri-food industry
    – To develop the capacity of the teaching staff;
    – Improvement of the educational environment;
    – Strengthening links between the universities and the agri-food industry;
    – Strengthening the interaction between the higher education institutions in Central Asia and the EU.


  • Joint report: an overview of the conclusions and recommendations.
  • Development of a methodology for quality control of modernized curricula: ensures high-quality and effective implementation of modernized programs.
  • Educational reforms and curriculum development:Implementation of modernized training courses.
  • Capacity building and sustainability: a plan for the sustainability of the project results has been developed.
  • Pilot trainings were conducted:pilot training was conducted for 6 groups of students, 231 undergraduate students and an additional 43 graduate students were trained. At the international final forum, 12 student research posters on the topic of Global G.A.P were presented.
  • Educational and laboratory capacities have been improved:64 equipment for laboratories, 80 pieces of educational literature have been purchased.
  • Impact:The agri-food industry is provided by professionals with the capacity to support internationally recognized sustainable agri-food management systems.
  • Grantholder: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia)
    Partners from Kyrgyzstan:
    KNAU – Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I.Skryabin
    NSU – Naryn State University named after N.A.Naamatova
    Association of Legal Entities Union of Cooperatives of Kyrgyzstan
    Association of Dairy Livestock Companies “Kyrgyz Sut”
    Foreign Partners:
    International Charitable Organization (HILFSWERK INTERNATIONAL) (Austria);
    Krakow University of Agriculture named after Hugo Kollantay (Poland);
    Linnaeus Växjö University (Sweden).
    Tashkent State Agrarian University (Uzbekistan);
    Samarkand branch of Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan)
    The Center of Agro-Innovation of the Council of Farmers (Uzbekistan)
    Agrobusiness Association of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)

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