In the week of 24th April 2017, the members of the ERASMUS+ project “CACTLE” met the 7th time for a training workshop in Fergana.

The ERASMUS+ project “CACTLE” is dedicated to implement a Central Asian Centre for Teaching, Learning and Entrepreneurship branded as THE CACTLE.

This centre will be founded at 9 universities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It aims to perfect the teaching skills of university teachers giving the teachers possibilities to strengthen their professional habitus and giving the universities reasons to substantiate their reputation.

During the 7th training workshop the trainers worked hard on creating a long distance learn-ing-course and a script for the topic “Entrepreneurship and Business founding”. Furthermore, they further developed their skills to teach students in university courses and managers in further training seminars.
The meaningful output of this workshop is a result of the inspiring atmosphere and the high motivation of all project members.

The work will be continued in Almaty (06/2017) and Astana (09/2017)

pdfCACTLE – Report – Fergana 2017

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